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More Than Just Saving Lives – Branding Yourself As A Healthcare Professional Virtual Workshop

Being a health professional in today’s world is more than just saving lives – it is also about branding (identifying what about yourself is distinct from others within the same health professional space) yourself as a healthcare professional in order to better serve patients (and their families), generate better health outcomes, and be a health professional that clearly knows their purpose in a field that can be extremely challenging.

On Saturday, March 27, 2021, forty (40) undergraduate and health professional HCOP participants had the opportunity to participate in the workshop titled: Branding Yourself As A Healthcare Professional led by practicing dentist and resident assistant professor within the Creighton University School of Dentistry – Dr. Teryn Sedillo, DDS.

The workshop primarily focused on the importance of identifying an individual’s mission, core beliefs and values as they relate to branding in the healthcare realm. In addition, the workshop covered how networking, understanding strengths and being consistent can cultivate an individual’s health professional career. HCOP participants got the chance to actively engage in identifying their “who” (what makes you, you), their “why” (what are your motivators), creating a mission statement and being able to hold true to each of these along their academic/professional journey.

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