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Creighton University HS-MACA & CPHHE


What The Hack!

In collaboration with Creighton University's Research and Development (RAD) lab, Creighton University's Health Sciences and Multicultural Affairs (HS-MACA) and Center for Promoting Health and Health Equity (CPHHE) will explore solutions to mental health disparities using technology by hosting a public health-based hackathon. We are inviting all pre-collegiate, collegiate, and professional students to be a part of this activity. We believe this hackathon will be a unique way to connect individuals of diverse backgrounds, specialties, and education to create applicable solutions to public health problems. 

A hackathon is an event of any duration where people come together in groups to solve specific problems and collaborate to create a solution. However, there is no guarantee that finalized solutions will be created by the end of the hackathon. We are expecting many opportunities for new ideas, connections, and solutions to be formed as they relate to mental health disparities.

From April 2020 to August 2020, students will submit an abstract describing the public health problems relating to mental health disparities, that could be reduced or eliminate using technology. Applicants must work in groups of 3.

HS-MACA will select qualified participants to take part in the hackathon. All participants will be required to form teams in groups of 3 and identify a public health challenge relating to mental health disparities. Selected individuals will be notified and invited to participate in the event.

This hackathon is developed to provide an opportunity for young leaders in the fields of software development, business, and public health to collaborate and create tangible solutions for the prevention and elimination of mental health disparities. We aim to inspire students to apply their knowledge and talents towards real world mental health disparities and their challenges.

Register to Participate in the Hackathon

Register as a team of 3 people. We encourage participants to build a team that contain a representative from public health, technology/computer science, and business.

First Place will receive $2500.

Second place will receive $1500.

Third place will receive $750.

Become a Sponsor

Advertise your organization, sponsor an event, serve as a mentor. Sponsorship options are available for donations of all levels. 

Key Dates and Deadlines

  • April 15, 2020 HS-MACA Hackathon Proposal Submission Open 

  • August 30, 2020 HS-MACA Hackathon Proposal Submission Close

  • September 6, 2020 HS-MACA Hackathon Review of Submissions and Finalist Notification (Finalist will be listed here). 

  • October 29, 2020 Start of Hackathon

  • October 30, 2020 End of Hackathon

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