Most HCOP participants have the ultimate dream of attending a health professional (medical, dental, pharmacy, occupational therapy or physical therapy) school. But what does it truly look like to be a medical student? How much time does a dental student get to themselves? How does a pharmacy student balance it all?
High school and undergraduate students got to hear it all - the “good, bad, and the ugly” - from our very own HCOP health professional student participants during HCOP session 10.
During this session on February 5th, 2022, health professional students participated in a panel discussion to answer questions about their experiences. From applying, to keeping up with the workload, to staying motivated, health professional students shared their insight into all aspects of their school experience. High school and undergraduate participants were able to ask questions of the panelists about being successful in health professional school.
Some questions asked and answered include:
● What does it take to get accepted into a health professional school?
● Exactly what subject material is covered in health professional school?
● List 3 things you have learned so far while being in health professional school.
● What motivates you - keeps you going each day?
● What study tips have you learned, implemented and absolutely love?
All of our panelists had amazing insights and gladly shared their personal experiences, and students enjoyed the opportunity to “peek behind the curtain” at the world of a health professional student.
Thanks again to our ten HCOP health professional students for your candor and insight!