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Health Professional Student Panel, School of Dentistry Tour and Much More - February 1, 2020

The time arrived where the spotlight was on our eleven (11) health professional students!!! On Saturday, February 1, 2020 the Creighton University Pipeline to Success Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) hosted a “Day in the Life of a Health Professional Student” panel workshop where each health professional student was able to share the “good, bad and ugly” of what it is to be a health professional student. During this time, our HCOP high school and undergraduate students had the opportunity to hear from each health professional student, ask questions and pick their brains on various topics. To give an idea of the professional diversity among our health professional students - each health professional student is pursuing a professional career in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy or occupational therapy.

Just to give a brief synopsis of what was covered – take a look below:

  • Subject Material Covered in Health Professional School

  • Basic Schedule – Time Management

  • School – Work-Life Balance

  • Boards/Test Preparation

  • Your Personal Motivations

  • What You’ve Learned So Far

  • Admissions Advice

  • “Surviving” Health Professional School

Directly following a successful panel, the two groups parted ways to engage in varying programmatic activities – the health professional students had the opportunity to switch roles and serve as the audience in a “How To Avoid Being A Workaholic: Self-Care is Not SELFish” workshop which was headed up by Ms. Gwyn Williams (Program Director – Collective for Youth). As future practicing health professionals, our health professional students got a first-hand lesson on why it is important to take care of yourself and not feel guilty – self-care is never a selfish act.

Health professionals maintain health in humans through the application of the principles and procedures of evidence-based medicine and caring. They study, diagnose, treat and prevent human illness, injury and other physical and mental impairments by the needs of the populations they serve. They provide advice on or apply preventive and curative measures, and promote health with the ultimate goal of meeting the health needs and expectations of individuals and populations, and improving population health outcomes. They also conduct research and improve or develop concepts, theories, and operational methods to advance evidence-based health care.

So, the question is – how could health professionals be successful at the above if they are not practicing self-care FIRST!! Our HCOP health professionals learned that self-care is the only way they can take care of others; it’s empowering and motivating; and a perfect reminder that each of them is worthy of being a health professional.

While the health professional students were enjoying their workshop, the HCOP high school and undergraduate students took a trek over to the Creighton University School of Dentistry for a tour which was nothing short of amazing!! Approximately, 50+ HCOP students were split into groups of five led by Creighton University School of Dentistry Student Ambassadors (current Creighton University dental students). The tour consisted of a 1.5 hour tour of the oral surgery and acute care suite, adult dental clinic, clinic classrooms, student lounges, the St. Ignatius of Loyola Chapel, pediatric and orthodontics clinic, gross anatomy lab, simulation, and pre-clinical lab. Students got to ask a plethora of questions, see tons of teeth and check out the cadaver lab as well!!

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