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What’s Working For You? – HCOP Health Professional Student Mentor Roundtable

Since the inception of the Creighton University Pipeline to Success Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP), the HCOP team implemented its very own HCOP Mentoring Program, as a continuum of the existing HS-MACA mentoring program, where health professional students mentor high school and undergraduate student participants in the format of group mentoring.

Each of the health professional students have achieved great things to get to where they are on their academic/professional journey. On Saturday, January 16, 2021 our HCOP mentors (ten health professional students) were given the opportunity to participate in HCOP’s Health Professional Student Mentor Roundtable (a collaborative discussion). During this roundtable, mentors were allotted time to collaborate as a group, discuss what is working/not working in their respective mentoring groups so far, and assist the HCOP team in identifying future mentoring topics that could be beneficial to their mentees.

Here are a few of the questions posed to the group for further discussion:

What has been going well with your mentoring groups so far?

What are some strategies you have used to keep your mentees engaged during your mentoring sessions?

How do you balance the group dynamic when you have a variety of personalities (i.e. outgoing, introverted, etc.) so that everyone has a voice?

A huge kudos to our HCOP health professional student mentors!!!

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